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First Virtual Immigration Clinic Serves 39 Clients

公益性服务 Center Bilingual Intake Coordinator 塞西莉亚这个阶段 assists clients from home during the first virtual 移民法律咨询 & 咨询诊所.

自2004年以来,民主党人.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center has operated a quarterly 移民法律咨询 & 咨询诊所. In recent years, the clinic has been held on Saturdays in Columbia Heights. 随着大流行的开始, the staff considered how to continue serving the scores of asylum seekers and others with immigration issues typically helped at each clinic.

Just as it swiftly adapted to serving its other clients remotely, the 公益性服务 Center decided to offer a virtual clinic. And rather than offering services over the course of one Saturday, it operated its remote clinic over the course of one week. From June 8 to June 12, 2020, staff and volunteers served 39 individuals from 22 different countries.

The clinic typically operates with immigration law experts mentoring a loyal cadre of regular volunteers who speak a variety of languages. 为了六月的虚拟诊所, 我们的专家导师, 他们中的许多人也是双语的, responded to the 公益性服务 Center’s call to serve clients directly on the phone.

To get the word out to the client community, the 公益性服务 Center advertised its dedicated Immigration Clinic phone line for several weeks before the clinic. 在门诊周期间, bilingual program staff answered calls and conducted intake to determine each client’s legal needs and primary language before connecting them with a volunteer for consultation. 公益中心工作人员 Attorney Alicia Lee managed the inaugural virtual clinic and attributed its success to the 10 expert volunteers from seven law firms:

  • Calderón Seguin PLC
  • Clark Hill PLC
  • 弗拉戈曼,德雷,伯恩森 & Loewy, LLP)
  • 弗里德,弗兰克,哈里斯,施赖弗 & 雅各布森LLP)
  • 格罗斯曼年轻 & 哈蒙德,有限责任公司
  • 亨氏澳博app事务所
  • 奥尔移民澳博app事务所P.C.

Attorney volunteers helped callers with a broad range of immigration questions related to family members, 删除, 庇护和公民身份. Dan Williamson, a partner at 弗拉戈曼,德雷,伯恩森 & Loewy, said, “Individuals at all income levels need access to legal assistance. It's great when we can find a legal solution for someone who thought they had no recourse.”

Volunteers helped clients in Amharic, 孟加拉语, 英语, French and Spanish—about 75% of callers were Spanish speakers.

Describing the Clinic’s essential services, 职员澳博app艾丽西亚·李说, “Our aim was to provide clarity to those with civil legal problems governed by U.S. immigration laws during these unprecedented times. People who rely on our clinic are concerned about how the pandemic, 最近法律的变化, and status of the courts are affecting their legal issues.李接着说, “这是第一次, our staff and dedicated volunteers adapted to bring the clinic into our clients’ homes. We’re learning that serving clients remotely can eliminate barriers and increase access to justice.”

The next virtual 移民法律咨询 & 咨询诊所 will take place in September.

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